Best Body Wash for Teenage Body Odor
Body odor is a classic teenage concern. Various hormonal changes and the onset of puberty often lead to this side effect. Interestingly, body odor is not caused by one key factor, but by the interaction of various components. As such, it is recommended to understand this phenomenon, and then opt for the best body wash for teenage body odor!
Key Takeaways
- Body odor is a natural part of puberty.
- Increased sweat production and subsequent bacterial breakdown are the key causes.
- Targeting both these causes is crucial in curbing body odor.
- Body washes have long been recommended as a solution.
- It is important to establish a daily showering routine to curb body odor.

What Is Body Odor?
Causes Of Body Odor in Teens
- Hormonal changes: Hormonal fluctuations during puberty often increase activity in the apocrine sweat glands. The sweat produced is protein-rich, and easily broken down by bacteria, thus leading to body odor.
- Poor hygiene: Sweat itself is odorless. However, its accumulation on the skin and subsequent interaction with bacteria results in unpleasant smells.
- Food choices: Sweat reflects what you eat. A diet high in processed foods or greasy items contributes to unpleasant smells.
- Bromhidrosis: This medical condition involves excessive body odor due to sweat breakdown. Requires specialized treatments beyond standard hygiene.
- Trimethylaminuria: A rare metabolic disorder where the body is unable to break down trimethylamine - a compound in fish. This leads to the compound being released through sweat, leading to a strong fishy odor.
- Premature adrenarche: Early activation of adrenal glands can increase production of androgens, which can then stimulate apocrine gland activity.
- Exercise: Exercise increases sweat production as the body regulates temperature via perspiration.
- Stress or anxiety: Both can trigger excessive sweating due to the heightened nature of the sympathetic nervous system.
Best Body Wash For Teenagers
Foaming Shower Gel 200 ml

Hydrating 2-in-1 Hair + Body Wash

Perspi-Guard® Odour Control Body Wash 200ml

Body Cleanser Dean Street

The Perfector Salicylic Acid Body Wash

Tips to Get Rid of Teenage Body Odor
- Shower with antibacterial body wash: Antibacterial body wash helps remove both sweat and bacteria - the major culprits of body odor. Shower at least twice a day for best results.
- Wear clean clothes: Clean clothes can absorb sweat, thus preventing the accumulation of sweat. Change clothes as frequently as possible, and immediately after exercising.
- Deodorants: Deodorants work by neutralizing body odor, reducing its adverse smell. Using antiperspirants is a good idea, as they are capable of blocking sweat glands entirely.
- Cutting down on certain foods: Food high in sulfur, such as garlic and onions, will absolutely lead to strong odors when secreted via sweat. It’s best to avoid them entirely.
- Natural deodorants: Natural deodorants often involve essential oils that work on neutralizing odors without blocking sweat glands.
When To See a Doctor?