Using a brush set ensures a clean and precise makeup application. It teaches kids the importance of proper tools and techniques for different makeup products, like using a thin brush for eyeshadow and a large brush for blush.

Komplettes Gentle Care Bundle
Genießen Sie die herrlich frischen und zarten Noten natürlicher englischer Birne und süßer Kamille! Angereichert mit ausschließlich nachhaltig gewonnenen Inhaltsstoffen ohne ätherische Öle ist unsere natürliche Hautpflegelinie sicher und für alle Hauttypen geeignet.
Obwohl alle unsere Produkte dermatologisch getestet sind, empfehlen wir einen Test an einer neutralen Stelle (z.B. Unterarm), da die Reaktion der Haut von Mensch zu Mensch unterschiedlich sein kann.
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Product Type Body Cleansing Skin Type For All Skin Types Brand Lav Kids Content Alcohol Free, Silicon Free, Unisex Certification Certified Facial Cleanser Texture Foaming Fragrances English Pear and Sweet Chamomile
Investing a small amount in a nail dryer helps kids complete the nail polish application process effectively. It teaches patience and prevents smudging, ensuring the nail polish dries completely. Plus, it avoids the frustration of finding nail polish stains on furniture after removing the polish. A silicon placement mat helps kids learn to apply nail polish neatly. It promotes cleanliness, aesthetic order, and the idea that everything has its designated place, even nail polish. It keeps the child, their workspace, and their environment clean and organised.Essential Accessories FAQs